Russell Barnes & Molly Milton

“Soundbyte has been behind the original music for so many of ClearStory’s productions. We continue to return to Soundbyte because of the care and creativity brought to our projects – translating our incredibly varied sound briefs into beautiful compositions that are both unique and fitting to our final films. No musical genre or demand has fazed Soundbyte, from electronica to early baroque, from the creation of fifty original tracks or turning around a composition for picture lock in under 24 hours. Good music is fundamental to the success of any broadcast film and we are sure that the critical praise we have received for these productions is due in no small part to Soundbyte’s involvement.”

Russell Barnes & Molly Milton, Directors,

The Conegatherers She Who Shall Remain Nameless

SNP Party Political Broadcast: Wind of Change.

Uisge Source: The Drop That Makes The Dram


Discovery EMEA Station Idents

Genes Reunited: The Milkman

Best of TV & Movies Board Game


Tiny Tears

Don’t Panic Board Game

University of the Highlands & Islands


Quantum Claims

Rubick’s Race


Discovery Science Promo

Discovery EMEA Rebrand

Ardbeg Untamed Spirit


Art That Made Us
BBC2 Network

African Renaissance
BBC Worldwide

Drop Zone
BBC 1 Network

The Virtual Revolution
BBC 2 Network

Real Lives Reunited
BBC1 Network

Saints & Scroungers. Series 1, 2, 3 & 4
BBC1 Network

Business Nightmares with Evan Davis

BBC2 Network

The Great Village Green Crusade


Utopia: In Search of the Dream

The Wheelchair President
BBC4/BBC Worldwide


Half Ton Hospital

London Talking

Channel 4

Jimmy Carr Destroys Art

Faith School Menace?

Richer Than You Think

Sex Box

Sex, Death and the Meaning of Life



Battlefield Recovery

The Incredible Shrinking Boy